Ad te levavi

The Mass of the Ages, in Park City

The most current version of this page is here.

St. Mary of the Assumption is blessed to have two beautiful churches, one new, one old. Our Old Town chapel is the oldest Catholic Church in Utah. My friends and I enjoy offering the older form of the Mass, the Extraordinary Form, Traditional Latin Mass. Our Friday and Sunday Masses are especially wonderful! Think of it this way: it's the oldest Catholic Mass in Utah's oldest Catholic Church. Here's a calendar.

Is this very different from normal Mass? Yes and no. Come and see! Here and here are a couple introductions, though I don't necessarily agree with everything they say. Most importantly, feel welcome—and come with an open heart.

What should I bring? Very basic booklets are available to help follow along, but many people prefer to bring their own hand missal. This one and this one are some of the best available.

What is "Low Mass," What is "Missa Cantata"? "Low Mass" is without singing, while "Missa Cantata" ("sung Mass") is with singing. Sung Mass requires more volunteers to chant the Mass, and I am very appreciative for their help.

Sit nomen Domini benedictum in sæcula!